iFi Audio Pro iCan: an amplifier for music headphones, super powerful and comprehensive connectivity!

最新动态, 评测
Philippe Daussin of Qobuz.com (France) reviews the iCan Pro.

“In conclusion, the iFi iCAN Pro is an amplifier that offers just about everything one could want amateur demanding in terms of power or connectivity and also wanting to enjoy various types of amplification, all offering different sound qualities but quality, the sound can be embellished or not of bass boost and (or) of spatial effect, these options are also available on its pre amplified outputs.”

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Je vous remercie Philippe Daussin and Elite Diffusion (iFi:Fance)


HiFiKnights: Pro iCan is outstanding device!
User, Barry in Calgary, enjoying the SPDIF iPurifier… Wow!


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HiFiKnights: Pro iCan is outstanding device!
User, Barry in Calgary, enjoying the SPDIF iPurifier… Wow!