Don’t Stop Believin’ in the DC iPurifier!

最新动态, 评测
20160326 “How to use iPurifier DC is easy, just connect between the DC power supply equipment and power supply adapter. This alone caused the signal of the noise signal and the reverse phase for us to remove the noise…….Husky voice of Steve Perry in the “Don’t Stop Believin” becomes smooth disappear incidental sound, will improve the overall roughness. “Waltz for Debby” is obviously an increase in the number of environmental sound echoing in the concert hall, the better the separation of each instrument. In particular, drum and base of the left channel is now divided to listen properly to bass.”

Thank you Tamagawa Audio and Top Wing Coporation (iFi:Japan)!

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iPurifier receives 5 stars from Roamling of Head-fi & the iClub!
iFi Audio – DC iPurifier & iUSB3.0 nano is a must see says Miyaji-Gakki!


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iPurifier receives 5 stars from Roamling of Head-fi & the iClub!
iFi Audio – DC iPurifier & iUSB3.0 nano is a must see says Miyaji-Gakki!