5 Stars!
Pros: Focus, Clarity and increased resolution added to your audio tracks “To be honest I’ve always been rather biased towards the USB protocol for what regards the transmission of digital audio…..but over time I have had to think again about the quality of the USB standard especially when you have the necessary tools to make it sound its best. The iPurifier2 is definitely one of them, and since the first version has really raised the quality of the performance so much so, to the point that those sensations, when first used, reminded me as I told you, of when I used an external word-clock for the DAC in my studio. Everything is much more in focus, more precise and realistic than the previous listenings. If the sound transmission via the USB iPurifier2 is already itself a step forward compared to the normal connections such as the S/PDIF and the AES-EBU and somehow brings tangible benefits sonically, the iPurifier2 joined with the iUSB is one of the definitive steps towards the top quality USB audio. Well done iFi Audio!!!” Thank you Fradoca of Head-Fi! http://www.head-fi.org/products/ifi-ipurifier-2/reviews/16922 |