Halloween comes early for Davehg of Vinyl Asylum as the iPhono 1 is a treat!

20160923-10 “Here’s the thing – the iFi was absolutely neutral throughout. It didn’t impart any signature of its own, ok – maybe just a bit of midrange warmth. But I heard clearly the impact of loading the cartridge just right, and the differences I heard between the Red and the Blue were clear as day. I loved being able to dial in the capacitance easily, and once I had it right, what I heard sounded natural and relaxed.

With the Blue came Muddy Waters’ Folk Singer album, what a treat! Great music and amazing sound. It was the equal of any high rez audio I had on hand.

I wished I had access to one of the other stages to compare, but for me, the iFi was key to extracting all the sound I could out of the budget table and cartridge”

Thanks for your review Davehg!


Peter123 of Head-Fi reviews the iDSD micro!
Dieter Strecker of Fidelity Magazine, Germany, reviews the iTube Micro!


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Peter123 of Head-Fi reviews the iDSD micro!
Dieter Strecker of Fidelity Magazine, Germany, reviews the iTube Micro!