“iFi Nano iOne wireless DAC – … the one to rule home audio” – by the samma3ateam.

最新动态, 评测
“iFi Audio released a new product under the Nano line up – the Nano iOne…It combines different digital audio decides into one that will greatly simplify any set up. The Nano iOne supports Bluetooth, S/PDIF and USB inputs which will seem to greatly simplify and upgrade the listening experience with everyday media consuming devices like smartphones, tablets, computers, TVs, gaming console and more…The Nano iOne DAC is aimed to those who simply desire a better sound quality from their existing sound system. It will be ideal for Home system to add Bluetooth to stream to Spotify or any music streaming app via smartphone or tablet and 4K TVs or gaming consoles for improving overall sound quality. It uses Bluetooth 4.0 with aptX technology which will let users to stream CD quality audio wirelessly.”
Thank you samma3a team for your review.
“….the iTube2 will have to be pried out of my cold, dead hands before you will get it out of my system.” An iFi iTube2 review by Tyson on Audiocircle.
“iFi Nano iDSD LE…It is superb and offers some great features for the asking price.” A review by TheTechAudiophile on YouTube


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“….the iTube2 will have to be pried out of my cold, dead hands before you will get it out of my system.” An iFi iTube2 review by Tyson on Audiocircle.
“iFi Nano iDSD LE…It is superb and offers some great features for the asking price.” A review by TheTechAudiophile on YouTube