We just had to share this….a custom ‘iRack’ built by Audiophile Vibration Control. While it is not the iFi iRack it sure is fine!
“After just over a week of owning the iFi Micro iDSD and iUSB Power combo (I’m calling that combo iDSD Stack ) I knew it was special and that it was in my system to stay for a very long time. I decided to pack up my iDSD, iUSB Power, and Gemini and send it to Mike over at Audiophile Vibration Control (AVC) so he could design and build a rack that was more stable and offered better isolation for the iDSD Stack. The reason for this is that it plays double duty for me – I use it for headphones as well as in my main 2 channel rig. After a couple of weeks of prototyping, he came up with something that far exceeded my expectations.”
Nice one Jdlivestrong!