Michael Piskor of HeadFonics.com auditions the iCan SE & iDAC 2!

最新动态, 评测
Awarded 8.5 out of 10!

“If musicality with a pinch of warmth is your style, go grab the iDAC 2 immediately. This product meshes so well with my personal rig, that I’ve been consistently pelted with peer audiophiles insisting I bring it back to more audio gatherings…….Thankfully, iFi purposely designed a spot of musicality into their products and I love the hell out of them for it…..That iDAC 2 belongs right where it is and on top of my Heron 5. No doubting it. Sure, there are better sounding DAC’s in terms of raw quality, but I just don’t care. I like all the qualities combined of this DAC and it just hits the spot so well for me…I couldn’t be happier.”

Thanks Michael!


Francesco Campbell of Ziomusic.it reviews the iCan Pro
iCan Pro: The little amp that Can – 5 stars from Head-fi member, Grizzlybeast!


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Francesco Campbell of Ziomusic.it reviews the iCan Pro
iCan Pro: The little amp that Can – 5 stars from Head-fi member, Grizzlybeast!