Micro iCAN: A Great surprise!

We received this PDF from our distributor for France, Elite Diffusion.

“This small amplifier that sounds very well….. Immediately, the iCan reveals a perfectly rendered register across the full width of the bandwidth with some rigor….It oscillates between smooth and precise with a lot of micro-detail returned. On the other hand, the iCan is obviously very dynamic, lively with very good tonal balance while not being in the lace so far….This gives a pretty amazing sense of presence with a stereo wide and airy image. We feel that this is a headphone amp designed by audiophiles research audio truth, especially on his qualities of dynamism and impulse response. A great surprise for its price both for its embedded technologies and for its musical results.”

Translated by Google.

Thanks Elite Diffusion (iFi:France) & ON Magazine!

PDF: http://www.elitediffusion.com/media/mconnect_uploadfiles/o/n/onmag_ifi-ican.pdf


iCan 1

iCan 2

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