Philippe of Qobuz reviews the iUSB3.0!

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“With the micro iUSB3.0 of the English brand ifi Audio, that it appears as Ultimate USB-audio grade power supply, we are in the presence of a true electronic to provide the USB DAC that there will be a regenerated connected USB Bus and a 5V supply ultra silent…..From a technical point of view, the micro iUSB3.0 is a USB hub 3.0 offering, in addition to two USB A ports that can be used to interface to any type of USB device, two USB ports providing power only A + 5V of a great level of cleanliness (noise of 0.1 mV or -140 dB 1V taking as a reference voltage, so as 0 dB)…..To conclude, this audio hub Audio ifi iUSB3.0 based on sound technical considerations and seriously implemented. His contribution to the sound quality is real, not necessarily spectacular, and will depend in part on the DAC used. ”

Thanks Philippe Daussin, Qobuz and Elite Diffusion


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