The iFi Retro makes an appearance at the 2014 National Audio show, Whittlebury!

This is a summary written by Chris Martens of HiFi Plus.

“At Whittlebury Hall, however, the British firm iFi, which is best known as a maker of (mostly) headphone-related electronics, reversed the process by showing its first ever full-fledged speaker-based audio system, called the iFi Retro. The heart of the Retro rig is a valve-powered 25Wpc integrated amplifier that incorporates not only analogue inputs but also a built-in MM phono stage, plus a DAC/headphone amplifier that offers essentially all of the functionality of iFi’s impressive Micro iDSD DAC/headphone amp. Stylistically, the amp looks more than a little like ¾-scale model of a mid-to-late 1970’s Marantz integrated amp, but comes clad in a case made of gorgeous (and highly resonance-resistant) laminated, bamboo…If iFi runs true to form with this product, we expect this will make a fine starter high-end audio system for, well, just about anybody.”

Thanks Chris Martens! We hoped you enjoyed the show!

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