“This iDSD Micro Black Label is very successful…” says Phillipe David from Haute Fidelity

最新动态, 评测

“….this new product works 6 to 12 hours on its built-in lithium/polymer battery…decoding of the PCM up to 768 kHz and the DSD 512 under the native mode. The conversion is provided by two Burr Brown DACs….Latest generation…The iDSD Micro Black Label integrates a high clock accuracy (280 femtoseconds), to avoid jitter audible. All internal circuits have been redesigned and improved….Very engaging, practical and very highly musical….The iFi Audio iDSD Micro Black Label is a stunning product at all levels: technical, musical and price quality. A small masterpiece…”

Thank you Phillipe for your review.

Translated with Google.

iCan Pro: “…spine shivering moments” says Richard on The Listening Post Christchurch.
“DAC iFI Micro iDSD….with enhanced functionality and at the same time much less expensive” says Dmitry Lovkovsky on Audio Video.


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iCan Pro: “…spine shivering moments” says Richard on The Listening Post Christchurch.
“DAC iFI Micro iDSD….with enhanced functionality and at the same time much less expensive” says Dmitry Lovkovsky on Audio Video.